Easter is a fun time for most people who celebrate it. There is an assortment of chocolate and candies, treats, and spending time with people you care about. Kids may participate in an Easter egg hunt, or gorge themselves on Easter candy. Your pets may be part of the celebration as well, but it’s important to keep in mind that Easter poses some threats to our furry companions.

Unsafe: Chocolate
We all know that chocolate is bad for animals. And it seems to be in abundance at Easter celebrations. Keeping your pet away from the chocolate cake and Easter candies will be important for avoiding a massive vet bill. Chocolate is uniquely dangerous because it contains theobromine and caffeine. Both of these can speed up your pet’s heart rate, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and even death. The reason chocolate is so dangerous for pets is due to their lack of tolerance for theobromine and caffeine. It affects them much more severely than it does humans.

Safe: Plain Green Beans
Unseasoned green beans make a healthy treat for your canine companion. They are chock full of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and are low in calories. Many vets will recommend giving your dogs plain green beans if they need to lose weight. Fresh green beans are best. If you have to use canned, get the unsalted kind so your pup doesn’t consume too much sodium.

Unsafe: Hot Cross Buns
These may not be the staple for your families tradition, but hot cross buns are commonly enjoyed at Easter celebrations. A lot of hot cross buns have raisins, a product made from drying out grapes. Grapes are highly toxic to dogs, although we have yet to determine which substance in grapes makes them so toxic to dogs. What we do know is that it tends to cause kidney failure, a deadly and often irreversible condition. Let’s make sure we keep your pet out of the buns this year!

Safe: Lean White Meat
Chicken breast is a great example of a lean white meat. High in protein and low in fat, this is an excellent choice for sharing with your pet. Dogs and cats alike will enjoy this treat. Just avoid using dark meat or pieces with skin, as these are high in fat.

Unsafe: Easter Lilies
All flowers that are part of the lily group are toxic to dogs. Even ones that are considered “safe” can cause mild vomiting and diarrhea. Easter lilies can cause the vomiting and diarrhea that’s common with lilies. It can also cause pain and lethargy. While Easter lilies are sometimes considered nontoxic to dogs, we still advise keeping your pet from turning them into a personal salad. Easter lilies are especially poisonous to cats, so keep your feline friend away. Even eating a small part of the lily can cause acute kidney damage and even death for your furry feline.

Safe: Plain Mashed Potatoes
No butter, no salt, no cream, or anything else in your potatoes. You might wonder who would enjoy them like that, but your pup just might! Unseasoned potatoes are an excellent treat for your pup. Things like butter, salt, and cream can upset your dog’s stomach, so we recommend avoiding seasoning the potatoes you feed to them.

Unsafe: Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts are dangerous for your furry companion. Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs and can cause a range of symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, tremors, fever, and depression. The exact cause for macademia nuts making dogs sick is still unknown. Even a small amount of macadamia nuts can cause severe symptoms, with dogs exhibiting only a few symptoms or even serious cases involving constant shaking, high fever, and an inability to walk. And considering that most macadamia nuts are paired in cookies with white chocolate, it’s safe to say you should really keep your pooch away from them.

Safe: Plain Eggs
Deviled eggs are not very good for your pup, as they’re full of fat and seasoning. Plain eggs, however, are a great option. They’re full of protein that can help your pup remain healthy. If you can, peel the membrane off the inside of the shell, or even feed them the shell if they’ll eat it. The shell is full of calcium, which is good for their teeth and bones, and the membrane is full of collagen which is good for their joints.

Unsafe: Synthetic Grass
Although it seems relatively harmless, synthetic, plastic grass is highly dangerous for your pets. If your pet manages to eat some, it can cause gastrointestinal upset. Worse, it can even begin to knot and wrap around your pet’s internal organs, causing massive pain and even death. For your pet’s safety, let’s try to avoid plastic grass this year and stick with an empty basket. Layering fabric in the basket is a more pet friendly option as well.

Safe: Carrots
One of the symbols of Easter, carrots are also safe for your dog. They can be fed cooked or raw, but don’t season them either way. Carrots are full of vitamins and minerals, and can help your dog in multiple ways. By improving eyesight, relieving a teething puppy, preventing chronic disease, and cleaning their teeth, carrots are excellent for your dog.